What are over the counter products ?

Everything about OTC

otc products

Over the counter or OTC are those medicines which can be bought from any medical store counter without any doctor’s prescription. You might have been used OTC products medicines many times in your life. When you buy any pain killer or nausea or constipation or any medicine for your fever or cough and cold from any grocery store or medical store then you are buying over the counter products medicine.

There are certain points which you must consider when purchasing drugs or otc medicines. Means if you are not aware about exact effect of medicine then you must consult either to your doctor or pharmacist about it. Also in case of medicines their combination and quantity also plays a vital role, so be attentive about their combination and effect with other drugs, which you are taking already and consult with your doctor or pharmacist as well.

Things to consider when buying OTC medicines:

There are certain points which must be considered when you buy any OTC medication, you may consider following points while buying OTC medicines:

  • You may find a vast range of medicine over the counter, but choose any generic
  • You may buy the them online as well through any online shopping portal, but try to buy generic medicines.
  • Read the salt and all information carefully written on the label of medicine.
  • Try to buy only that medicine which is for your current symptom or problem, like while buying medicine for fever take the one which is intended for fever only not for fever and cough.
  • You may be offered some cheap stuff by pharmacist but try to buy best one not the cheapest one.

Generic and Branded medicines

Pharmacist may offer generic or branded medicines. Basically generic medicines are cheaper than branded one. Generic medicines may have same salt as branded one, so before buying it just check the salt of both, if you find it same then you may buy any but if you get confused then take the advice of your family doctor or pharmacist.

over the counter products

Points to be considered when you buy any OTC medicine

Though you may buy OTC from any medical store or from online portal but before buying you may consider following points so that you may buy right and effective medicine:

  • Decide which you will buy either generic or branded
  • It is for which symptom, for this you may take help of doctor or pharmacist.
  • Doze according to your current condition.
  • Measuring unit or power of the medicine.
  • For how much time it must be taken?
  • Effects and side effects.
  • Precautions and mixing effect of it with other medicines, which you are taking

Well though you may but the medicine from any store but still if it does not affect then again you may take advice from your doctor and opt for another one. In fact there are many medicines available over the counter for various symptoms but try to have that only which is intended just for your current symptom.

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